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How much is helper coin (hlpr) in EUR?

The conversion rate of Helper Coin (HLPR) to EUR is €4.56 for every 1 HLPR. This means you can exchange 5 HLPR for €22.79 or €50.00 for 10.97 HLPR, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular HLPR trading amounts in their corresponding EUR prices and vice versa.

What is helper coin staking?

The Helper Coin staking mechanism is called the holder program and has six tiers. Users can stake their HLPR for 120, 240, 360, 480, 600, or 720 days and earn rewards from 5% to 27.5%.

How does the helper coin network work?

The Helper Coin network charges fees for each transfer, distributed between four funds evenly. One-fourth of the fees go to the project’s marketing fund, another-fourth goes to the development fund, and the remaining 50% is evenly distributed between the operations and prime holders’ funds.

What are hlpr coins?

Primarily, HLPR coins are meant to help people in hard financial situations. Users will be able to donate their HLPR through the project’s app when it goes live.

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